License Issue / Invalid Key (MAC Address changed of motadata server)

##License Tempered - Motadata server’s MAC ID has been changed.

Issue: - User Migrated Motadata server from one machine to another or MAC ID is been changed

Resolution: - Following are the steps that needed to be taken to resolve.

  1. Check Motadata services with command- ps aux | grep motadata

  2. In another tab of browser, open H2 Database console using {ipaddress}:8082 will open H2 console.


Login to the H2 console using Credentials.

  1. Once you entered in the H2 DB console, on the extreme left column you will see list of table, from there select table_license and Run below commands simultaneously.

    commands: update “tbl_license” set license_last_usage_date =NULL;
    truncate table “tbl_license_usage”;
  1. Immediately after that, KILL all motadata related service using command kill -9 pid

  2. Replace License.lic file under the /motadata/motadata/ directory with default license file attached here.

Note: This is applicable only for 50 Monitors.

Exceeding than 50 monitors create new license according to the client’s requirement and replace it in /motadata/motadata directory.

  • Start Motadata service using service motadata start.

  • Once Motadata Started, confirm product license in admin panel.